
Showing posts from August 1, 2010

Husnul Khatimah

"Robbanaaa afrig 'alainaa sobrowwa tawaffanaa muslimiin." Ya Tuhan kami, limpahkanlah kesabaran kepada kami dan matikanlah kami dalam keadaan Muslim (berserah diri kepada-Mu). Q.S. Al-a'raaf: 127 <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Free Counters" title="Free Counters" border="0"> </a>The following text will not be seen after you upload your website, please keep it in order to retain your counter functionality <br /> Gambling in an online casino helps reduce traffic accidents. while it is good to get <a href="" target="_blank">laser eye surgery articles and

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Kesedihan dapat mengembalikan apa yang sudah lewat ... dan Kesusahan dapat memperbaiki kesalahan ... <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Free Counters" title="Free Counters" border="0"> </a>The following text will not be seen after you upload your website, please keep it in order to retain your counter functionality <br /> Gambling in an online casino helps reduce traffic accidents. while it is good to get <a href="" target="_blank">laser eye surgery articles and quotes</a><br /> the wise man will act carefully eva

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Beranjaklah dengan damai dari tempat-tempat pertemuan dan perdebatan yang mengandung hal-hal yang tiada gunanya.. <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Free Counters" title="Free Counters" border="0"> </a>The following text will not be seen after you upload your website, please keep it in order to retain your counter functionality <br /> Gambling in an online casino helps reduce traffic accidents. while it is good to get <a href="" target="_blank">laser eye surgery articles and quotes</a><br /> the wise man will act ca